How to display charts, metrics and other widgets in Gyana.
A dashboard is a visual display of data metrics that can be shared as a report.
If you've used another report builder or BI tool, our dashboard builder will feel intuitive. You get a freeform, configurable canvas and a variety of widgets to display results from your data.
🏗 Building your dashboard
You'll start with an empty canvas. You can change the dimensions to suit your needs (e.g. width of 360 pixels for mobile).
Add new widgets to the canvas and click edit to configure them. At a high level, there are four types of widget:
Text, Image and Embed widgets for captions, explanations and external content
Table widgets to display raw data
Chart widgets to visualise the relationship between columns in your data (typically with aggregations)
Controls to enable viewers to change the date range
For most widgets, you need to choose the source data ("Table") you want to use. For charts, you'll need to configure at least one dimension and metric:
Dimensions describe or categorize your data e.g. Product ID, Device, Date
Metrics measure your dimensions, and is the result of an aggregration e.g. total sales, average session duration
You can pre-filter the data and sort the results, and you can preview the widget before saving. We've written a guide for every widget if you run into any issues.
💡 You don't have to use the same data source for each widget.
On the dashboard canvas, you can resize the widgets and move them around. The widgets automatically snap to a grid, to make it easier to place them neatly. You can add multiple pages, re-order and re-name them, and move widgets between them.
Finally, you have the option to style your dashboard under Theme & Layout. Give it a personal touch with your own color palette, background color and font family.
🙌 Sharing your dashboard
Anyone on your team can view a dashboard. Use the "Preview" mode to view the widgets with all editor controls disabled.
You can share a public (but unguessable) link to your dashboard. The link will be viewable by anyone who has it. You can un-share at anytime.
You also have the option to password protect your dashboards, and add custom domains.
⌛ Go back in time to older versions of your dashboard (in Beta)
You can save different versions of your dashboard and go restore those explicitly saved versions as well as any other timepoint of your dashboard.
🔮 What does the future hold?
We know that have high standards for your dashboards! Over the next few months, we'll be introducing features like maps, PDF exports and other types of controls.
Looking beyond that, we're thinking about how to move dashboards from a reporting tool, to the engine that drives you organisation. Features we have in mind include tracking progress towards goals, getting alerts and submitting data. Reach out if any of that sounds interesting!