Nodes reference
How to use each node in workflows.
Our detailed guide to each node in workflows. Over time, we'll expand each node into a separate page with a detailed description, examples, and comparison to spreadsheets and SQL.
Get data
Select the data sources you want to transform in your workflow. They can come from results from other workflows or integrations.
Save data
Make the results of your workflow available for other workflows or use them in dashboards by connecting the appropriate nodes with a Save data node.
Select columns
Use the select columns node to choose a subset of columns from the input table.
You can choose whether the selected columns are kept or excluded with the select mode dropdown.
Use the join node to merge together two tables that share a common column (e.g. an internal id or email address).
You'll need to specify which column you're using from each of the two tables (Left join and Right join). You can always preview the two tables.
💡 A join node needs to have two input nodes. Inputs 1 and 2 are assigned in the order that you connected them to the join node. By convention, the Input 1 is the left table and Input 2 is the right table.
Optionally, you can decide what happens to rows that don't match with the How condition. Your four options are:
Inner: Only keep matching rows (default)
Left: Keep all rows from the left table
Right: Keep all rows from the right table
Outer: Keep all rows
For the Left, Right and Outer joins, any non-matching rows are filled with null values. Usually you'll want to use Inner, unless you know you have missing data and you want to handle this as a special case.
Group and Aggregate
Use the group and aggregate node to generate summary statistics for groups of rows.
You'll start with the group columns, which are used to place the rows from the input table into groups:
If you choose one group column, then the rows are grouped by each unique value in that column.
If you choose multiple group columns, then the rows are grouped by each unique combination of values across the columns.
If you don't choose a group column, all rows will go in one group.
💡 For certain columns, all the values will be unique and grouping won't do anything. E.g. if you have decimal numbers, you'll need to round them to whole numbers before grouping.
For the next step, you decide what metrics to calculate to summarise each group. These will be aggregation metrics like SUM or MEAN. You can compute as many aggregations as you like. By default, we'll show the size (COUNT) of each group.
The output table will show each group column, along with each aggregation.
Use the union node to stack data from multiple input nodes with the same schema.
💡 A union node can have unlimited inputs, but they all need to have the same schema (i.e. column names and data types), otherwise it will return an error.
Optionally, you can decide to do with duplicate rows. By default, they are kept, but you can remove them with the distinct option.
Use the except node to remove rows that exist in a second table.
💡 Like the union node, an except node can have unlimited inputs, but they all need to have the same schema (i.e. column names and data types), otherwise it will return an error.
Use the sort node to sort the rows based on column values.
For each column, you can decide if rows should be sorted in ascending (default) or descending order.
💡 The priority of the sort is determined by the order of the sort columns.
Use the limit node to choose a fixed number of rows.
The Limit option to choose how many rows to keep. By default, you'll start from the first row, but you can use the Offset option to change this.
💡 The order of the rows is not guaranteed unless you use a sort node before a limit node.
Use the filter node to filter rows from the input node by a condition.
Rows are kept if the condition is true. If you provide multiple conditions, rows are kept if all of them are true.
💡 We don't currently support OR filters. For now, the workaround is to use multiple filter nodes, and combine together with a union node.
Use the distinct node to remove duplicate rows.
By default, all the columns will be used to compare rows, to decide if there are duplicate values.
Optionally, you can choose to compare only a subset of columns.
Use the pivot node to summarise the relationship between two columns.
To build a pivot table, you'll need to specify the two columns to compare:
The Pivot index is the vertical axis of the pivot table
The Pivot column is the horizontal axis of the pivot table
You'll then need to decide what metric to summarise (Pivot value), and how to aggregate it.
💡 Currently you can only summarise by a single metric. If you need to summarise multiple metrics, take a look at the group and aggregate node.
The output will show the relationship of each unique combination of the two columns, in a 2D layout.
Use the unpivot node to reverse data that is pivoted.
Pivoted data is great for presentation, but is not a good format for data analytics. You can use the Unpivot node to combine multiple columns into separate row values.
First provide the new column names for the category column and the value column.
The categories will be the different column names from the selected columns and the values will be taken from the rows of these columns.
You can also select specific columns you would like to keep without unpivotting them.
Use the intersect node to only include rows that appear in all the input nodes.
💡 An intersect node can have unlimited inputs, but they all need to have the same schema (i.e. column names and data types), otherwise it will return an error.
Use the edit node to transform columns using pre-defined functions.
You'll need to choose the column, the function to apply and (in certain cases) the value for the function.
Edits are useful for common operations like basic maths, manipulating strings or extracting parts of dates.
💡 For more custom logic, take a look at the formula node.
Use the add node to create new columns using pre-built functions.
The behaviour is identical to the edit node, except that the output creates new columns instead of replacing existing columns.
Convert (coming soon 🚀 )
Use the convert node to change the data type of columns, for example, turning numbers into text.
💡 If a conversion fails, it means that the current column contains data whose format cannot be converted. Often this happens when otherwise numerical columns contain bits of text like letters or hyphens. You will need to clean these cases before by using the edit or formula node.
Use the rename node to rename the columns from the input node.
Keep in mind that column names:
can only contain letters, numbers and underscores
must start with a letter or underscore
are limited to 300 characters in length
Use the formula node to create new columns using spreadsheet-like formulas.
You reference columns using their name, and formulas are applied automatically to all rows in the table. You have access to arithmetic operations, and a library of functions.
Example 1: Calculate payable tax on your profits
Example 2: Create full names from first and last names, removing extra whitespace
join(strip(first_name)," ",strip(last_name))
The formula editor will help you write your formulas with:
autocompletion for column names, functions and brackets
syntax highlighting to differentiate numbers, text, columns and functions
error checking (wavy red lines) for mistakes in your formulas
Take a look at the help tab for more examples, and a full reference with all functions.
💡 Functions typically one work for one type of input (e.g. number, text, date & time). We're working on making this more explicit, with better error messages as well.
If you think we've missed any important functions, please reach out and let us know!
Window and Calculate
Use the window and calculate node to calculate a metric for each row, by looking at other rows in the chosen window.
For example:
7 day moving average: order the rows by date, and for each row, take the average of a 7 row window.
Cumulative sum over time: order the rows by time, and for each row, take sum of all the preceding rows
Best ranking collateral in each campaign: group by campaign, order by performance, generate the rank number for each one, then use a filter node to select rows with rank number = 1.
The window node is powerful, but we appreciate it's difficult to get your head around. More content and explanations are coming soon.
Sentiment Analysis (coming soon 🚀)
Get a sentiment estimation between -1 (bad) to +1 (good) of your text column.
Use the text node to write text at any point on the canvas.
Text nodes help you explain your reasoning behind parts of the workflow, and communicate with collaborators.
💡 Text node position is not preserved when you click the format button. We're working on a solution to this.